1MOO | Minding Our Own

A friendly crew to maintain peaceful, mature and cooperative lobbies in GTA Online.
Treat others like you want to be treated yourself. Cowboy hats optional.

Table of Contents

Discord MOO Game Chat

It's mandatory to join our game chat on Discord. If you fail to comply you'll be removed from the crew. Just download it to your phone and make an account. Make sure your username is the same as your PSN to avoid confusion. Upon joining the crew, the mod's will send you the Discord server link to join the Crew Game Chat.

Crew Rules

  1. PSN ID must be publicly visible on your Rockstar Social Club profile. See Rockstar Social Club privacy settings.

  2. Always show offline and never send invites as this will open the floodgates for randoms.

  3. If you are always a loner in other sessions, you'll end up getting kicked, we play together in our own made sessions. Same goes for members only playing with another crew tag active.

  4. You must be an active player in game AND on the chat.

  5. Don't be a cunt, or a dick.
  6. Do not interfere with crew work, unless you were asked to by the crew members (People doing the sales, Mods or Leader).

  7. You do not have the right to claim bounties on 1MOO crew members without explicit permission of the crew member with the bounty on them.
  8. Moderators of the crew are free to part ways with players they feel are not a good fit for the crew. This includes but is not limited to failure to comply with crew rules and guidelines.

Guidelines for GTA Online

  • Click Here

    Rockstar Social Club privacy settings

    1. First, make sure your PSN account is linked on the Rockstar Social Club, to do so go to My Linked Accounts.

    2. Next, set the appropriate privacy settings by going to your RSC privacy settings and set My Linked Accounts (Playstation Network) and My Profile Page and Info as shown in the screenshot below.

    3. Once you've joined the crew, you can set it to Friends & Crews so it remains visible to us at all times while you're a part of our crew.

      Crew application

      Aspiring member can apply using the application form. The application will be reviewed by our moderater team, if accepted you will be invited, do allow a couple of days for requests to be processed. Applications through Social Club will not be processed.

      Report crew members

      Should a crew member be violating crew rules (griefing, trolling, ...), they may be reported using the report form. The moderation team will review reports and take action if warrented.

      Last updated: Septemeber 30th, 2019. This page is subject to change without prior notice or notification.